R Overview
R is an open source programming language, used by Data Miners, Scientists, Data Analysts,
and Statisticians. It is available under the GNU GPL V2 license from the Comprehensive R
Archive Network
R can be used for many statistical, modeling, and graphical solutions. It is very Object-Oriented in nature and is
easily extensible.
Running Rstudio from the desktop
You can start R in a Graphical interface using the RStudio application from the desktop
Running the command line R console
Type R
at the command prompt to launch the R console.
Installing packages
Our Windows VMs come equipped with R preinstalled. Most major R packages are also installed
and further could be installed from CRAN using (from within the R console)
Once the package is loaded, you could start it using
Running R Scripts from the command line
Simply type the following on Command Prompt
Rscript path\\to\\script\\your_script_file.R
For more information, please visit the official R Studio website.
Ivy, R, Windows